How To Demand A Raise in Twelve Easy Steps – For Dogs

My dog stormed into my office this morning and demanded a raise. I said, “Hey, dog, where do you get off asking for more money?” He said because he didn’t earn any more than the minimum wage and he felt that particular situation is a “travesty against mankind”. I...

Today, Cannot People Stop The Agony And Learn To Love?

While sitting on my front porch, my normally pleasant dog growls angrily at passersby. I have repeatedly reassured him, “Don’t growl, he’s our neighbor…she’s our neighbor…they’re our NEIGHBORS. To these disgruntled neighbors his outbursts usually come as a sudden...

The Brutal Forces Of Evil Attacked My Home Land!

This morning I was walking across my kitchen when something on the floor darted between my legs to within about several feet in front of me. I thought it was a mouse or a large snarling, threatening, foul-mouthed insect and so I let out a high-pitched shriek, the kind...